Jed Yeo (Yes, that's my full name).

I am currently based in Austin, U.S.A. as a software engineer for Cvent. I graduated from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver in 2023 with a BASc in Applied Science, Engineering Physics.

My main focus was in mathematics and computer science. I had the pleasure of taking honours level mathematics as well as being involved with exciting research projects related to special relativity and cryogenic electron microscopy. I was also a teaching assistant for UBC Computer Science for introductory computer science courses: APSC 160 and CPSC 259.

In my free time I enjoy snowboarding, gymming, or travelling the world. I also enjoy anything to do with motorsports or cars, and follow ice hockey and Formula 1. If this sounds remotely interesting and you have nothing else to do, please click here.

I love meeting new people. No, really, I do. Please do connect with me and start a conversation!